22. How does u create new test sets in TD?
Ans :
- Login to TD.
- Click on "Test Lab" tab.
- Select the Desired folder under which we need to Create the Test Set. (Test Sets can be grouped as per module.)
- Click on "New Test Set or Ctrl+N" Icon to create a Test Set.
23. How do u do batch testing in WR & is it possible to do in QTP, if so explain?
Ans : You can use Test Batch Runner to run several tests in succession. The results for each test are stored in their default location.
Using Test Batch Runner, you can set up a list of tests and save the list as an .mtb file, so that you can easily run the same batch of tests again, at another time. You can also choose to include or exclude a test in your batch list from running during a batch run.
24. How to Import data from a ".xls" file to Data table during Runtime.
Ans :
- Datatable.Import "...XLS file name..."
- DataTable.ImportSheet(FileName, SheetSource, SheetDest)
- DataTable.ImportSheet "C:\name.xls" ,1 ,"name"
25. How to export data present in Datatable to an ".xls" file?
Ans : DataTable.Export "....xls file name..."
26. Syntax for how to call one script from another and Syntax to call one "Action" in another?
Ans: RunAction ActionName, [IterationMode , IterationRange , Parameters]
Here the actions become reusable on making this call to any Action.
IterationRange String Not always required. Indicates the rows for which action iterations will be performed. Valid only when the IterationMode is rngIterations. Enter the row range (i.e. "1-7"), or enter rngAll to run iterations on all rows.
If the action called by the RunAction statement includes an ExitAction statement, the RunAction statement can return the value of the ExitAction's RetVal argument.
27. How to export QTP results to an ".xls" file?
Ans : By default it creates an "XML" file and displays the results.
28. Differences between QTP & Winrunner?
Ans :
- QTP is object bases Scripting ( VBS) where Winrunner is TSL (C based) Scripting.
- QTP supports ".NET" application Automation not available in Winrunner.
- QTP has "Active Screen" support which captures the application, not available in WR.
- QTP has "Data Table" to store script values , variables which WR does not have.
Using a "point and click" capability you can easily interface with objects, their definitions and create checkpoints after having recorded a script without having to navigate back to that location in your application like you have to with WinRunner. This greatly speeds up script development.
29. How to add a runtime parameter to a datasheet?
Ans: By using LocalSheet property. The following example uses the LocalSheet property to return the local sheet of the run-time Data Table in order to add a parameter (column) to it:
MyParam=DataTable.LocalSheet.AddParameter("Time", "5:45")
30. What scripting language is QTP of?
Ans : VB Script.
31. Analyzing the Checkpoint results
Standard Checkpoint: By adding standard checkpoints to your tests or components, you can compare the expected values of object properties to the object's current values during a run session. If the results do not match, the checkpoint fails.
32. Table and DB Checkpoints: By adding table checkpoints to your tests or components, you can check that a specified value is displayed in a cell in a table on your application. By adding database checkpoints to your tests or components, you can check the contents of databases accessed by your application.
The results displayed for table and database checkpoints are similar. When you run your test or component, QuickTest compares the expected results of the checkpoint to the actual results of the run session. If the results do not match, the checkpoint fails.
You can check that a specified value is displayed in a cell in a table by adding a table checkpoint to your test or component. For ActiveX tables, you can also check the properties of the table object. To add a table checkpoint, you use the Checkpoint Properties dialog box.
Table checkpoints are supported for Web and ActiveX applications, as well as for a variety of external add-in environments.
You can use database checkpoints in your test or component to check databases accessed by your Web site or application and to detect defects. You define a query on your database, and then you create a database checkpoint that checks the results of the query.
Database checkpoints are supported for all environments supported by QuickTest, by default, as well as for a variety of external add-in environments.
There are two ways to define a database query:
- Use Microsoft Query. You can install Microsoft Query from the custom installation of Microsoft Office.
- Manually define an SQL statement.
The Checkpoint timeout option is available only when creating a table checkpoint. It is not available when creating a database checkpoint.
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