The File System Object (FSO) model provides an object-based tool for working with folders and files. It allows us to use the familiar object. method syntax with a rich set of properties, methods, and events to process folders and files. We can also employ the traditional Visual Basic statements and commands.
The FSO model gives our application the ability to create, alter, move, and delete folders, or to determine if and where particular folders exist. It also enables us to get information about folders, such as their names and the date they were created or last modified.
The FSO model makes processing files much easier as well. When processing files, our primary goal is to store data in an efficient, easy-to-access format. We need to be able to create files, insert and change the data, and output (read) the data. Although we can store data in a database, doing so adds a significant amount of overhead to our application. We may not want to have such overhead, or our data access requirements may not call for the extra functionality associated with a full-featured database. In this case, storing our data in a text file or binary file is the most efficient solution.
The FSO model, contained in the Scripting type library (Scrrun.dll), supports the creation and manipulation of text files through the TextStream object; however, the FSO model does not support binary files. To manipulate binary files, use the FileOpen Function with the Binary keyword.
Main object. Contains methods and properties that allow you to create, delete, gain information about, and generally manipulate drives, folders, and files. Many of the methods associated with this object duplicate those in other FSO objects; they are provided for convenience.
Drive Object
This Object Contains methods and properties that allow you to gather information about a drive attached to the system, such as its share name and how much room is available. Note that a "drive" isn't necessarily a hard disk, but can be a CD-ROM drive, a RAM disk, and so forth. A drive doesn't need to be physically attached to the system; it can be also be logically connected through a network.
Folder Object
This Object contains methods and properties that allow you to create, delete, or move folders. Also allows you to query the system for folder names, paths, and various other properties.
TextStream Object
This Object allows you to read and write text files.
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