Re-usability – Develop a robust function library to be used across the projects and within the application.
Robustness – Develop a robust test suite that can be easily used for testing the application in different environments e.g. development, testing and production.
Portability – To ensure easy installation of the suite in different environments.
Modularity – Develop modular scripts to ensure maintainability, scalability and readability of the scripts.
Scalability - Scalable scripts which can be upgraded/ enhanced.
Maintainability – The approach should be such where in major effort goes in to the planning and developing the scripts where as least possible effort is required to maintain the same.
Data Driven Testing – To perform positive and negative tests using data driven scripts. To achieve this, we need to a checklist for Automation Framework Planning:
Identify the Scenarios / Test Cases for Smoke – 6 Identified Done
Execute the Scenarios / Test Cases Manually at least 5 times - Done
Get the Scenarios approved from QA Manager / Product Manager / Client - Done
Create the Folder Structure – Done, C:\AST
Create the shared object repository - Done
Identify the Actions for the approved scenarios – Done with 8 Actions
Create test data (take inputs from the manual testing team / SME’s) - Done
Generate the Actions / Action library by hard coding the data – 8 reusable created, 0-pending
Separate the data from the Actions / Reusable – Done
Integrate / call the Actions in the main test - Done
Execute & debug the Actions / Reusable - Done
Get the Actions reviewed by the lead / manager / client - Done
Create the AOM - Done
Use Environment Variables - Done –Build in, user defined Functions
Schedule the Smoke Test - Done
good one...!!